Wierdabrug CPF – Sector 1

Wierdabrug CPF Sector 1
Wierdabrug CPF
Sector 1

- About the CPF -

Together we can make a difference

What is the CPF?

Community Policing is a policy and strategy aimed at achieving more effective crime control, reducing fears of crime, improving quality of life, improving police service and police legitimacy, through a proactive reliance on community resources which seeks to change crime-causing conditions. It allows the police and community to work closely together to solve problems of crime, fear of crime, physical and social disorder and neighbourhood decay.

How can Community Policing be achieved?

In order for Community Policing to be achievable, South Africa has in its Constitution Act 108 of 1996 entrenched the establishment of Community Police Forums (CPFs). This has been further supported by the South African Police Services (SAPS) Act 68 of 1995 that mandates all station commissioners to establish these forums at station level.

What are the functions of CPF?

  • Promoting accountability of the local police to your community and co-operation of your community with the local police.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the police serving you.
  • Examine and advise on local policing priorities.
  • Evaluate the provision of services such as: 
    – Distribution of resources
    – The way complaints and charges are handled
  • Patrolling of residential and business areas
  • Keeping records, writing reports and making recommendations to the Station Commissioners, the Provincial Commissioner and the MEC.
  • The CPF will ask questions about local policing matters and request enquires when necessary.

What is the relationship between CPFs and SAPS?

  • CPFs assist police by improving police service delivery to their communities and strengthening partnerships between the community and police.
  • They promote joint problem solving and ensure police accountability.
  • The CPF ensures proper communication between the police and the community – which enhances the police’s ability to combat and prevent crime.
  • Communities are thus able to monitor, evaluate and advise police.
  • Police, in turn, become accountable to the communities they serve.

What rights do CPF members have when responding to crimes?

  • SAPS remain the operational police authority. A CPF is there to augment and assist the SAPS in a reactive scene and, where they have not yet arrived, to stand in for the SAPS until they do arrive on the scene.
  • CPF members can react to crime scenes, contain crime scenes, do point duty, manage accident scenes and support the SAPS, Metro Police and to track and trace perpetrators of crime.
  • A CPF member may also carry out a citizen’s arrest, if the need arises.

How effective are CPF's in reducing crime?

  • The CPF assists in crime prevention by means of neighbourhood patrols, which decrease crime in areas where patrols are prevalent.
  • Visible patrol systems deter criminal activity.
  • Suspicious activity is channeled through to authorities.
  • Information regarding social problems are also passed on to relevant authorities.
  • The CPF assists at crime scenes, to ensure that vital evidence, witnesses and suspects are on hand for the SAPS.

How do I join the Wierdabrug CPF Sector 1?

In order to join the Wierdabrug CPF Sector 1 a person must work or live in Wierdabrug Sector 1 and have a valid South African ID. If you are interested in joining, please complete the Membership Registration form and indicate how you want to be involved in the CPF.